The Conjuring is a forthcoming American supernatural horror film directed by James Wan. Starring Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson as Ed and Lorraine Warren, paranormal investigators who come to the assistance of the Perron family (Ron Livingston and Lili Taylor), who are experiencing increasingly disturbing events in their Rhode Island farmhouse.
The paranormal investigators Ron Livingston and Lili Taylor work to help the family that was terrorized by a dark presence in their farmhouse. Forced to face the powerful individual, the Warrens find it the most intimidating scenario of their lives.
The first screen was the upcoming trailer for The Conjuring, which sets up the basic presumption of the family – two parents (Lili Taylor and Ron Livingston) and five kids – being dread by the angry spirit of a dead witch, complete with hair-raising sequences like a ghost hag pouncing onto an unsuspecting victim. The end scene with Vera Farmiga’s character trying to use a mirror to spot the witch causing a momentary fright, despite of its nature.